El Corte de Madera Creek OSP
Saturday, August 16, 2014
Site of a 50s plane crash (BCPA Flight 304 - a bit of debris is visible from the trail!), unusual sandstone formations, towering Old Growth Redwoods, and coastal views, these fascinating and varied trails dig deep into the rugged and varied terrain of the Peninsula uplands.
This trail system is relatively close to PA, on the West side of the Peninsula Spine above Woodside, but somehow we haven't run it for many years. In the meantime, the park and trails have been improved and there is a new parking area. So I'm working up some new routes and the complete description will be available soon.
Routes of 7 & 13.6 miles. Other options possible.
When Saturday, August 16. 2014 Meet at 8:20am for an 8:30am start. Carpools will leave promptly at 7:55am from the Park&Ride lot at 280 and Sand Hill Road.
Where El Corte de Madera Creek OSP. No parking fee. Spaces limited, pls carpool if possible.
How to get there Follow this Google Maps driving route or set your GPS to lat=37.4001980, lon=-122.2958410. Note: this is a relatively new parking area and is NOT the Skeggs Pt parking lot where we have gathered in the past when visiting El Corte de Madera.
What A 13.6-mile long route and an intermediate 7-mile route. Printed trail maps (like the one below) will be available at the start of the run. This is a remote trail run and each runner must carry at least one water bottle. To avoid having to search for lost runners, we will try to help you find other runners of approximately the same running ability to form a group. As usual, there will be a potluck after the run, so please bring food or drink to share.
-- Click on map for a higher-resolution version --
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