It's a trail run... it's a City run... there's a ferry ride (two, actually)... it's on an island... in the Middle of The Bay ... and... there's dim sum!
On Sunday July 19th, PARC's Monthly Trail Run returns to Angel Island!
All in one day enjoy world class views, work up an appetite running in a truly unique setting, appreciate historic artifacts, and then gather for Dim Sum in China Town.
On the Island, the route features a 5-mile roundtrip (not-too-steep climb) to the summit (360 Bay views!!), followed by several return routes including a 5-mile Island perimeter route that passes the former US Immigration Center, Fort McDowell, a former Nike Missile site, and more.
Dim sum will be at the New Asia Restaurant in China Town 772 Pacific Av, SF, 415.391.6666 (no-host, everyone shares the bill).
Stuff you need to know...
1. Meet at 7.35am at 2499 Geng Rd in PA (off Embarcadero, two blocks east of Hwy 101). Car Pools depart 7:45am.
2. Park at Chinatown Parking Garage, 728 Pacific Av, SF. Note: Chinatown PG opens at 8:30, only last year they didn't. There is a 24hr garage about 3 blocks away at 735 Vallejo St. Or use the ParkMe app. In any case, we'll meet at in front of 728 Pacific and then ...
3. Jog 1 mile to Pier 41 or meet us there if better for you and your plans for the day. In any case, arrive there no later than 9:20am to buy tickets. The ticket booth is near Pier 39. Ferry departs 9:45am.
4. We will be on the Island for 2 and a quarter hours. 5, 7, 8 and 10.5 mile run options on the island. We'll run together in groups of similar speed and do our best to have sweeps on the routes so that no one will be left behind.
5. The ferry departs the island at 12:25pm, arriving back at Pier 41 at 1:15pm. Then we jog back to the cars for a quick change (if you want) and share Dim Sum at the New Asia.
6. Bring $60 -- Expect total costs to be about $50 (Ferry - $18, Lunch @ $15-$20, a few bucks to compensate the drivers & parking).
8. Even when warm in Palo Alto, it can be windy & chilly on the bay and perhaps on the Island as well. OTOH, last year it was quite warm (80F?) on the Island. So also please carry water.
9. Carry light snacks for the ferry rides --- they also sell food (and have restrooms) on the ferry.
10. Carpools will arrive back in PA around 3:45pm
Event Maps
Maps and trail directions distributed at the run. Click on the route maps below to load the full size version.
SF run from China Town to the Ferry Dock (the text in the map is slightly outdated. See above for up to date details).
Angel Island Trail Map & Route Advice